Financial Advisory
In Financial Advisory Independent Capital analyses the client’s individual business model as well as its current financial strategy within the overall economic environment. The analysis focuses on key financial figures, the future development of the underlying business and the respective industry, with a view on their impact on financial needs.
In outlining the influence of the business model on financial ratios Independent Capital defines the borrowing capacity of its client in order to subsequently formulate a financial strategy for execution in banking and capital markets.

In this process a financial solution is being developed to meet the company’s objectives, to maintain and/or increase its financial flexibility. With a broad overview of financial products and services available in the Austrian and international markets combined with its long lasting transaction experience Independent Capital provides the best possible corporate finance solution, acting solely for its client without any conflict of interest.
Furthermore, Independent Capital understands the relevant decision-making processes of all capital providing market participants (investors) and therefore can structure an efficient placement strategy. The execution of the so proposed transaction is part of Transaction Services and thus ensures the best possible financing conditions in the given market environment.